Get Ready, Get Set….Go!
It’s a New Year. And as far as the planets go, there’s going to be plenty of “new” to go around in 2011.
In the next 2 1/2 months Uranus and Jupiter will both move into Aries -- a fire sign that will give us new energy to take bold steps toward our visions and dreams. We may find ourselves forging new directions in our lives -- expected or surprising. Or we may build on plans and preparation we've been making for years. Either way, these planet shifts will give us the power to take action and move forward.
We've been preparing for this shift for the past year -- as both planets end their stay in a sign that lets us clear out old patterns and lifestyles that are not longer useful for us.
Jupiter will bring the first change when it enters Aries on January 22nd and “jump starts” us. We’ll need some background to understand how.
Jupiter – The Good Guy.
Most planets have good and bad potential, but astrologers call Jupiter the “good” planet -- one that blesses us with a positive attitude and a sense of spaciousness and abundance in whatever sign it’s in at the moment. For the past year, it’s been living in Pisces – the sign of “letting go” and of the “highest consciousness.” The result is that Jupiter has given us some space to help us let go of what doesn’t work in our lives so that we’re ready to move onto whatever is meant to take its place.
Uranus, the Original Mover and Shaker.
But Jupiter has been operating in the background of a planet that’s taken front stage in the same arena – Uranus. Jupiter takes a year to move through a sign. Uranus generally takes seven to nine. For the past seven years Uranus has been in Pisces, too, but it’s not nearly as gentle a planet as Jupiter. Uranus urges us to follow its instructions and since, among other things, it’s the planet of the collective consciousness, it’s been “urging” all of us in the Western Hemisphere for the past seven years to collectively let go of what doesn’t work for us anymore.
The message may have been easier in the beginning, as in “Don’t sweat it. Just let go.” And it seemed we could choose. But the message has gotten more urgent in the past year – as Uranus ends it Pisces run before it also enters Aries on March 12th.
The collective “push” from Uranus has been about letting go of situations and patterns that don’t work for us – in relationships with others, in work and careers, or in areas of personal behavior. Anything that doesn’t help us on the path to self-enlightenment, since Uranus is also the planet of awakening and enlightenment.
Uranus is a neutral planet that just “does its job.” Nothing more…or less. Something like: “Yes, you’re going to let go of that now. And if you don’t ….well, it will likely be worse than if you had. Now will you just cooperate?” We can't know how the past would have been if we had stayed where we were. Often we fantasize that it would have been perfect if we could just... That letting go reminder is also a reminder that the past was not working and we needed to change.
A lot of that most recent “letting go” may not have been easy for some of us and we might not have even been aware that we needed to let go of it until Uranus reached the end of its stay. Then suddenly it seemed we had no choice but to let it go. Someone may have taken the matter out of our hands and ended something for us (a relationship or a job), or we may have gotten to the point of saying “Okay, Uncle!…I’ll give it up!” [More on how to get this done in my blog entry: “Let go. Let go. Let go” located here --] .
Thank the Universe for Kind Planets...
So having Jupiter in Pisces has been something of a bonus. In its gentler, kinder role, Jupiter says “ It’s been tough, huh? Well, I’ll give you some space so it’s not as hard to let go as it might have been…” Particularly now, in the last few months of its stay in Pisces, Jupiter has been expanding that space. Since Uranus is so powerful in its drive, we might not have even noticed that gift from Jupiter, except in hindsight. But if now, at this true end, we have found letting go a little easier than it was earlier last year, credit Jupiter.
There is universe method to this madness: Without giving up what doesn’t work for us, we don’t have the psychic or actual space to pursue what does work for us – so that we can do what we’re meant to do as opposed to hanging on to old, comfortable habits that block our growth.
It’s the End! But Don’t Worry…
There’s a reason that Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is the sign of “letting go.” It’s because it comes before the first sign. Yes, really.
Aries, the first sign, is the sign of individual drive, fiery vision and productivity. It’s the sign that declares “I am!” --- with emphasis on the exclamation point. As the first sign and a fire sign, Aries is the initial fire energy of the universe as it comes into existence and is expressed in human form. It is beginnings. All of this Pisces “letting go” activity at the end of the zodiac cycle around what the universe sees as our unnecessary baggage, is in the service of getting us ready to begin that zodiac “growth” cycle once again.
With each cycle we hopefully learn from the past and then let go of what doesn’t work, after which we get the chance to try again. At each beginning we embody that Aries energy all over again by declaring “This is who I am now!” starting from scratch at whatever stage we have arrived, and using that energy to follow our revised personal vision.
This is a pretty dramatic change after seven years and we’ll have an introduction that jump starts that process. Jupiter will move into Aries a month and a half before Uranus makes the shift itself. What Jupiter will do is grace us with enthusiasm and optimism about the possibilities and visions that lie before us. That enthusiasm about what the future may hold for us will also help us to do the rest of the letting go that Uranus demands.
If You Can Dream It…
By now, after several “letting go” episodes in the recent past, you’re probably ready for some enthusiasm and optimism. So as you get ready for Jupiter to make its entry on January 22nd, go ahead and dream. “Yes! I want to do this and it is possible!” After all that letting go, you deserve it.
Once Jupiter actually makes its entry, start making plans. It’s time to follow whatever purpose you are next meant to fulfill in the greater scheme. By March 12th, when Uranus joins in and doubles the Aries energy, you’ll be on your way.
If you want to get really specific as to how Jupiter and Uranus will affect you, get your chart out. Where Jupiter will act in your case will be determined by which house it’s moving through. For instance, if Jupiter is moving through your third house – you may have dreams of writing a book or giving talks about some topic where you’re an expert. It will have to do with “communication,” which is what the third house is about. But whatever area that is, it will tie into Uranus’ move into Aries in March – the next part of the Aries duet.
Be aware that the only whiff of negativity to Jupiter is when we go over-the-top with the “anything is possible” idea. Jupiter can sometimes have a “manic” influence, which can lead to reckless behavior…and the inevitable following fall.
So Don’t Forget Everything You’ve Learned…
Take several deep breaths when you start to dream. And keep breathing to keep yourself in the present. Practice self-care and ground so that you don’t end up going too fast too far. Exercise. Meditate. Ask for help and guidance if your vision needs it. Count to ten. Several times. Practice all those things that Uranus in Pisces urged you to learn in the past seven years to help you let go. (Amazing how the universe leads us by the hand, isn’t it?) And then…enjoy!
Once Uranus does move into Aries, other factors come into play. And there will be a tempering influence on all this fire energy when after thirteen years Neptune moves into the water sign of Pisces on April 3rd. But more on all of that later…
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