How to use this blog...

If you want to use the info in this blog for yourself, you may want get out your chart (or have it done if you don't have one), because your life with the planets is about a lot more than your sun sign, it's about all the planets in your chart.

If you don't have a chart, is a great site to have one done for free.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Uranus in Aries – The Body Shift.

Has your right arm or leg been bothering you these days? Pain in your right wrist or ankle? Back pain? Numbness or coldness? Think you have a pinched shoulder nerve? Did it come on suddenly and unexpectedly anywhere within the past 60 days? You can probably thank Uranus moving into Aries for any of this.

When Uranus moved into Aries on March 12th it was a big shift after seven years. On a lot of levels, including body level.

With this shift, our energy has been switching sides from watery female energy to powerful male energy -- and fire energy at that – so it can affect us pretty strongly.

The reason for that is about the left and right and back and front of our bodies and what they mean in the energy world.

Which side are you on?

In the west, the left side of our body represents female energy and the right side is male. (Also note that each side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain so it’s left brain/right body – right brain/left body).

The front of our body is female, with softer flesh covering internal organs. It is supported by the back of our body with its bony harder spine which is considered male.

On to the astro part. Uranus rules the nervous system and energy that moves up our spine. And Uranus just came from spending seven years in the sign of Pisces – one of the most watery feminine signs (Pisces is the “fish” after all). Connect the feminine sign of Pisces with the feminine side of our body (left side/front) and you can see that our Uranus energy has been resonating on the female left side and front of our body for the past seven years.

A “Shock to the System”

Suddenly, that energy has switched sides and shifted into the very fiery male sign of Aries. And fire rises. Uranus is also known for hitting with a “jolt” – (it’s actually called the “shock to the system” planet when it transits your planets or enters a new sign.) So particularly now, in the beginning, it’s “flash fire” energy.

This sudden change means that Aries energy entered our systems on March 12th and rapidly began moving up our spines and nervous systems – while that energy was also trying to switch sides from left to right within our spines – female to male sides. And front to back --from organic to skeletal. (Note that a lot of people will have anticipated this – so don’t hold to an exact March 12th date. Anytime after mid January would apply. And if you have a lot of water in your chart, it could have even been earlier.)

It’s Spring! Yeah! Ouch?

The last part is, it’s spring. In addition to being thrilled that we can feel warmth and sun on our faces, spring is the time for new growth energy to rise. Outside of astrology, In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s even got a name – it’s the “wood” season -- when everything grows anew. This energy is associated with the liver/gallbladder, and any unresolved issues of frustration or anger, can make themselves felt in the physical realm particularly during this period. (You know how some people will complain of creaks and aches at the onset of spring? The Chinese would attribute that to wood energy coming up.)

The result of all this combined? Some of us are in serious energy overload from this new energy model. Our nervous systems are overfiring. Trying to let this new energy work through on a side where it hasn’t been this strong for a while (84 years to be exact.) Trying to shift and balance it. And that will happen over time. But it’s too much right now – and our nervous system circuits can overload, which causes muscle pain, or swelling a nerve to the point of pinching. Coldness or numbness as the energy tries to swing back and forth between poles and reach balance. It’s almost like our spines were changing from the negative (female) pole to the positive (male) pole and trying to retrain the nerves to accept that. Most likely this will happen on the right side and in our backs since those are our “male” sides.

How are your Texting/Computing/Driving habits?

Been having pain from old injuries that you haven’t felt in a while? That’s Uranus in Aries. And if you’re suddenly experiencing carpal tunnel after having escaped for years, despite your years in front of the computer, that’s Uranus in Aries. Where this energy overloads in your nervous system will determine the effect. Once again primarily on right side if it’s limbs. But in the case of back pain, throughout. (Moving over to the chakra system, there will also be “chakra pressure" and emotional and psychological issues related to where this energy expresses itself. Where your pain is will tell you what the underlying chakra block is.)

So now what? Will it end soon? And what do I do?

Eventually, this energy will begin to balance out after the initial “jolt” of energy moving into Uranus is over. How that effects you and whether that happens in the nearest, near or further future, or is a new “constitutional” issue for you, is up to your individual chart, constitution and physical and emotional issues.

Some people may just feel a twinge, For some it could last a couple of days, and for others it could some time to work itself through. It may mean learning new patterns of dealing with our bodies. Uranus in Aries will be around for seven years. This shift may be a heads up for many of us to take care of parts of bodies that we may taken for granted for a while. Wherever this has occurred for you, even if resolves, the recommendation is to pay attention.

If it’s ongoing, there are also a couple dates to watch for further shifts that may provide some relief.

Just coming up -- on April 4th Neptune will enter Pisces (the sign that Uranus just left). As the highest spiritual planet entering the highest spiritual sign , it will provide a watery umbrella over just about everything on the planet and lend some female water energy to balance out that male fire. Uranus in Aries is potent fire and Neptune is Pisces is powerful water. And since water extinguishes fire, but fire evaporates (boils) water, they may be an even match for each other. The winner? It will remain to be seen.

As “wood”/spring season stabilizes and moves toward summer, the normal growth energy that may be making this problem worse will decline.

On July 10th, Uranus will go retrograde – in other words, to the human eye it will appear to go backwards. This will relieve some of Aries “forward” pressure.

(Note that in between these two dates, coming up in May, a major planetary aspect occurs which may further affect global and personal outcomes. More on that later.)

Until then? The first recommend is a no-brainer. Drink plenty of water. Swim. Do water things. Water in the real-time realm is a female element to cool and balance that new fire. And if you’d like to soften the adaptation period? Take nutrients that nourish nerve conduction – extra B complex and omega-3. (Omega-3’s were recently show to improve nervous system functioning in clinical studies.). If you suspect you have “liver” energy rising– dandelion root tea is a classic spring liver tonic. Radishes and watercress in moderation help detox the liver and gallbladder. Acupuncture, massage, chiropractic are all protocols that help our muscles, skeletons and vertebrae mold to new pathways. And last but not least, have patience. The only given in the universe is change.

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