Three days ago,on August 17th, Uranus moved backward into Pisces, after a short entry into Aries on May 27th.
Did you a feel the shift? For some people it meant that they felt more like themselves again, after a couple of months of feeling (on the good side) a lot of new forward drive and (on the harder side) edgy and driven.
For others it felt like after two months of having some clarity, they'd lost it again, and they were hazy.
Which Are You?
If you have a lot of water in your chart (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) you'll likely have sensed that you were letting some things go and then have breathed a sigh of relief -- something like "Wow, I'm back!" If you have more air in your chart (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), you'd have sensed something was going on, but it might feel vague, as in "What happened?"
If you have a enough fire in your chart (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then you might have felt like "Where did my clarity go?" And if you're dominated by Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), well then, you very likely didn't feel a thing.
Why does global astrology seem to affect some people and not others? It's about the elements in your chart -- fire, earth, air and water. If you have a lot of planets in water signs or a prominent placings of water signs (Moon, Sun, Ascendant) -- you'll likely feel all the planet shifts that go on out in the cosmos -- the ones that affect everyone in the Western Hemisphere -- not just your own personal shifts. That's because water is the sensitive" sign. It receives and conducts astro-energy quite well.
Everybody into the Pool... Whenever You're Ready.
But just about everyone is affected by and responds to global planetary shifts -- even the non-sensitives -- they're just not as aware of it and they do it more slowly. A good example? 1995 -- when Pluto entered Sagittarius. Pluto is the planet that transforms us. It's also the planet that represents our shadow side -- the issues and baggage we carry around with us. How we work them out depends on the sign Pluto is traveling through during any given period. (Pluto takes its sweet time doing that, too -- it can spend almost 30 years in one sign!)
In 1995 Pluto entered Sagittarius -- the "explorer of the heavens" sign. So all of us went "exploring the heavens." In real words, translate that as "exploring ideas, thought, philosophy, spirituality and the arts." And we did it all to try and resolve our unresolved issues from childhood, from trauma. Did it as a way to accept and transform our shadow side. To do it, we went to school, tried acting, wrote, learned yoga, checked out new ideas of spirituality, and on and on. When Pluto entered Sagittarius we began the "New" New Age. Those "early adapters" who started right in were looked at as "woo-woo" by mainstream culture.
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When this first started, I remember friends of mine looking at me as a "New Age" hippie when I told them I was going to yoga class. But by 2008, as Pluto was leaving Sagittarius -- everybody was going to yoga class. Even science had learned it was good for your body, good for you blood pressure, good for just about everything. Heck, even KMart carries yoga mats now. And scientists are changing their mind about meditation in the same way and prounouncing "Oh! It Works! " (Yeah, we told you that a while ago...) And so whether it's sooner or later -- just about everyone responds to large global planetary shifts. It's what we call "cultural change."
Well said. Now I get it. But when will it end? When does the planet of peace and tranquility align?