How to use this blog...

If you want to use the info in this blog for yourself, you may want get out your chart (or have it done if you don't have one), because your life with the planets is about a lot more than your sun sign, it's about all the planets in your chart.

If you don't have a chart, is a great site to have one done for free.

All material is copyrighted by the author and cannot be used without permission. Copyright 2010.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's a Big Day...

Have you been feeling like you've been in a pressure cooker for a while? Caught between a rock and a hard place? You'll be happy to know that's over today. That's because Saturn and Pluto stop "arguing" with each other today. The pressure is finally off.

To understand the end of the argument, and what it means for you, let's introduce the fighters and then go back to November 16th of 2009, when the argument began.

In this corner we have...

Pluto, the planet of our childhood issues...

It's like those scenes in a therapist's office where the patient says "And then my father yelled at me....!" Pluto is the energy that was created way back when Dad (or somebody who stood in for him -- the teacher that didn't like us, our nasty uncle George or Aunt Helen) yelled at us or punished us and we couldn't do anything about it. Heck, we were kids. We couldn't yell back or we'd be punished. We couldn't throw a rock through the window or we'd get sent to our room. And ever since that "traumatic" episode or episodes, we've been aching to throw a virtual rock and try to resolve the awful feeling that happens when our authority figures make mincemeat of us.

Pluto energy is the kind that wants to move up and out of us in the worst way. But often we feel powerless to fight back -- we think that will bring on even worse consequences. So we try to do that in other ways: we act it out in emotional fits or by manipulating others. We "create" it out (writing, acting). We run or play baseball. We build it out. We go into therapy and talk about it. Anything we can do to get that awful feeling of "You've been bad!" or "You're doing the wrong thing!" out of our system. (There are some backend advantages to this -- without repressive father figures there wouldn't be nearly as many ambitious people in the world trying to prove themselves good enough by building the tallest building, writing the great American novel, or running the fastest mile.)

And in the other corner, at over a thousand tons, we have....

Saturn the Big Bully...

Saturn is that disciplinarian -- the planet that squashes that kind of energy that wants to act out or have its own way. as opposed to toe-ing the line. Saturn is the one who is actually saying "Stop doing that!" "You're wrong!" "You're not allowed" and "You are bad!'

Can't They Just Shake Hands and Get Along? Afraid Not.

What happens when these two planets come head to head? A lot of tension. And a few explosive arguments. Saturn wants to keep Pluto in line. And Pluto wants to break free of his overbearing father. And they're finally going to duke it out. And that's what's been happening for the past nine months. Through direct motion and retrogrades Saturn and Pluto have been going head to head with each and fighting it out again and again. And a lot of us have done it right along with them. To make it even more complicated -- Pluto is now traveling through the sign that rules Saturn -- Capricorn. So some of our rebellion is about wanting to force the other person to do our bidding.

This might have been an internal conflict for some of us. If that's the case -- it meant we spent the last nine months wratcheting up the argument between our own internal authoritarian/judgmental self and the more fragile part of our psyche. Our Saturn self would keep trying to shame us or punish us. And our Pluto self would keep trying to escape that punishment and shaming. Unless resolved this is the kind of internal conflict that leads to self-harm and suicidal thoughts. (If you were going through this, I really hope you did have a good therapist.)

Then there were the people we knew who were acting their part as Saturn in our lives. We "called" in our teachers -- authority figures -- who tried to punish us and repress us: The landlord who wouldn't leave us alone. The bill collector who threatened us. (With a global recession that was a common theme.) The father figure that kept telling us what we should be doing. The boyfriend/girlfriend/teacher/boss that kept making us feel ashamed -- and for some reason we couldn't bring ourselves to stand up to them or leave.

Even Gaia is Working Out Her Issues...

In the biggest picture, Gaia, the earth, was caught in the middle of this conflict, too. And maybe it's easiest to understand this argument when you see how she dealt with the tension. Gaia resolved the pressure that built up in this conflict by erupting and shifting some tectonic plates -- a
volcanic eruption in Iceland that disrupted air traffic for months and two major earthquakes (Haiti and Chile). As the icing on the cake, or actually the oil on the water, there was the British Petroleum Gulf oil spill. From the astro point of view this can be looked at in two ways -- one in which we were forcing the planet to produce oil and a second in which Gaia was letting off "steam" by gushing out oil . Either way it was an underwater eruption that changed the world.

Gaia was playing the part of Pluto here -- in rebellion against human authoritarian behavior in dealing with her as though she were an idiot female who has no right to be involved in any decisions about how she is treated. And you may have guessed that
we are the bad guys in this relationship. And while she may not have resolved her issues with our repressive behavior and while she might like to leave us, but can't....after the BP oil spill she at least has our attention.

And The Point Is?

As always, what did we/you learn? My own Pluto/Saturn transit started out with an attorney who wanted to sue me for no reason. I tried to talk to him, tell him he was wrong, that I'd done nothing. But it did no good -- he kept on saying he'd "see me in court." In the end, I had to let go and have faith that something bigger than me would take care of the problem -- because I actually hadn't done anything wrong. Eventually, after much gnashing of teeth, I did turn it over and I did get taken care of. So part of this lesson for me was learning that when faced with an irrational authoritarian figure I can't do anything. I need to let go and turn it over to a higher power. That's something I couldn't do as a child but can do as an adult.

If we paid attention, the second pass of Pluto and Saturn at the end of January 2010, was finding out the reason that we keep "calling" in this kind of challenge. What's the underlying reason for allowing Saturn -- in whatever form -- to punish and repress us and not be able to escape the punishment? Did we really do something wrong? Or is that just us talking to ourselves? Do we need to take concrete action to protect ourselves even if we're afraid to do that? What's the belief system that drives us as adults to still believe in our gut what we had no choice but to believe in when we were children?

And if we did our work, in the past few days and today we will begin to understand how we can avoid the issue in the future. How we can grow beyond authoritarian figures. Maybe it's about surrendering more...or standing up more. It won't be he last "ah ha!" we have about it, but it should be a major one. And so Saturn will (hopefully) lose his hold over us and we will start to free ourselves from a fear of irrational authority. And we will be the stronger for it.

If you didn't do this in real time -- between November 16th and today -- that information is still available.

It was three part fight -- did someone or something make your life difficult starting November of last year? What part did you have to play in letting that happen? And how can you free yourself? Play close attention to the clues you get in these days -- they will hold answers to that last question that will help to free you up from some issues you may have been holding onto for decades. And realize it's not a passing thought -- when Pluto transforms you -- it's forever!

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